Words in the Sand by Ron Chavis


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Words in the Sand by Ron Chavis

Words in the Sand is the effect that put Ron Chavis on the map. An emotional piece of mentalism, full of mood and feelings, that feels like real mind reading.

This new and updated edition comes with:

  • Ron's full stage script, with variations for both mind readers and paranormalists,
  • handling variations to best fit your performing conditions,
  • and subtleties by Thomas Heine and Rainer Mees of ParaLabs!

"Words in the Sand is powerful stuff. I’m sure it will find its way into the performances of many working pros. I highly recommend this to those who are serious about powerful presentations.” – Bob Cassidy


“A beautiful and visual piece of mentalism. I absolutely love your presentation.” – Neal Scryer 


“Absolutely fantastic! Words in the Sand is pure metaphorical mentalism. Love it, love it, love it!” – Rainer Mees


“Stunning. I really REALLY love this!” – Paul Shirley


“If I had a hat, I’d take it off to you sir… Excellent!” – Iain Dunford