One effect in particular, Key-ology, includes three different methods for the Seven Keys to Baldpate premise originated by Ted Annemann. What makes these methods worthy of note is that they all work with an ungimmicked lock. If you've wanted to add this effect to your act, but find the high prices that dealers charge for the special lock hard to swallow, Lam's methods may be just what you need.
Here's what's included:
- Foreword (by T. A. Whitney)
- Introduction
- Calendro
- Coincidence
- Predicto
- Key-ology
- The Ace of Spades
- Four-Aceious
- Zig-Zag Card Novelty
- Transpo
- Clairvoyance
- Patriotic Handkerchiefs
- Number Please
- Watch Me Closely
- The El-El Rising Card Novelty
- Would You Believe It
- About the Author
- Thank You
- Suggested Reading
"Twelve tricks, interesting and worthwhile by Louis Lam. The tricks are chiefly mental effects and tricks with cards." - John Mulholland, Sphinx magazine1st edition 1937, PDF 53 pages
(Re: The Seven Keys to Baldpate effect"Louis Lam in his book 'Watch Me Closely' gives three methods, other than the Ted Annemann original, all of which are quite practical." - George Arrowsmith
word count: 15848 which is equivalent to 63 standard pages of text