Unknown Mentalist - Amazers With Karma Deck


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Five elegant routines. Simple and self-working. Long lasting lingering impact. No forces. Novel and refreshing presentation themes, patter pieces and scripting bits.
  • JUNE -- Performed using participant's month of birth. Participant chooses two cards related to her birth month this year and the next. And you have predicted both.
  • U -- Performed using participant's first name (NOT a spelling effect). Participant chooses two cards related to his first name and you have predicted both.
  • TRYST -- You show a participant your prediction in advance and she successfully transmits it telepathically to her partner. Includes an exciting alternative presentation.
  • TWIST -- A baffling variation of TRYST which doubles the odds and still hits bullseye.
  • TYM -- A mysterious experiment to check whether a participant's past, present and future add up to his destiny. And the outcome is stunning.
Can be performed within 10 minutes of reading the routines and secrets.

"Your work and techniques are Brilliant" - Marc Salem