The Secret History of the Seance by Bill Montana


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Simply put The Secret History of the Seance is a dark true tale of what really went down in the early days of the séance and spiritualism and not the lies you have been told. Based on personal experiences. This work is not for everyone. That said if your done with the lies and deceptions and would finally get a glimpse of how it really works then this work is for you.
Contains the following works:
The Koons-Tippie Rooms (This is what a real early séance looked like.)
Spirit Hands (A version of a traditional spiritualist séance device that has been seldom seen in the last hundred years).
Table Tipping A Spiritualist Methodology (This is Bill’s acclaimed manuscript for the Spiritualist Methodology for Table Tipping).
Phasmatis Vultus or the Ghostly Appearance (Dangerous and included here for historic reasons only).
The Spiritualist Writing Slate (This is a version of Bill’s $500 Spiritualist Writing Slate that you can make yourself).
The Corroded Coin (A method of distressing new coins to look old like they have been buried in the earth for a very long time.)
The Katie Kate A spirit sound Device (A simple spirit knock device you can make yourself).
The Ghost Hunters Flashlight (So cool we are not even going to talk about it but if you do séance work or ghost hunting this is the tool you want.)