The Gordian Knot by Joshua Burch


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The Gordian Knot by Joshua Burch
(Instant Download)Tie an impossible knot in a rubber band
The Gordian Knot was a knot was a legendary knot that was said to be impossible to untie. Josh Burch has created a close up brain teaser inspired by this legend, using a single rubber band. This effect has a slow burn, the magic happens quickly and the spectator is left with an impossible object that they will try and try to figure out.

On this download you will receive complete instructions on how to create your own gimmicks. The gimmicks can be made with most rubber bands that you already use.

Along with the Gordian Knot you will learn Josh's impromptu ring on rubber band, a few flourishes, as well as a couple miscellaneous ideas involving rubber bands. All of this is taught clearly in over 30 minutes of video.

This is an easy to perform piece of magic that creates an interesting impossible object.