A concealed peek device is an essential tool for electronic magic. Your audience will never figure out how you could possibly know the information.
The PITATA app incorporates many smart IoT functions, but using the app requires a cell phone to secretly read the information that is written.
If the goal is to covertly obtain written information, it is sometimes more practical to use a small, palm-held device to obtain the peek.
That's why we have designed the PITATA Palm Peeker, especially for use with PITATA's impression devices.
The PITATA Palm Peeker is compatible with all current and future PITATA synchronous impression devices, including the PITATA Smart WhiteBoard and Smart MemoPad.
After numerous experiments, we decided upon a square display. This design allows for a more natural palming of the device as well as for ease of viewing with a larger display.
The overall design is minimalistic and simple.
The size fits perfectly in finger palm.
You can conceal it almost anywhere, such as inside a playing card tuck box. It has two physical buttons on its body: the power on/off/sleep button and the clear button. The operation is extremely simple. We believe you will like it as much as we do.