Osterlind's 13 Steps: Step 11: Q&A Routines by Richard Osterlind


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Osterlind's 13 Steps: Step 11: Q&A Routines by Richard Osterlind
"I've been using it for well over 35 years" -Richard Osterlind
Mind-reading on an EPIC scale.

Imagine looking into a crowd and knowing what EVERYONE is thinking. This is powerful stuff. It's electrifying.. you can see it in the reactions.

Richard Osterlind wields this power every night. And today, he's teaching the 2 ways he's done it for over 30 years.

Top mind-reading pros like Richard Osterlind swear by something known as a Q&A (Question and Answer). Members of the entire audience think of personal questions, and you the mind-reader start seeing the answers. It's electrifying.

PROFESSIONALS: If you haven't been a part of a Q&A experiment before, it's hard to explain the feeling. It's contagious in the same way laughing is, and the impact just builds and builds all the way to a roaring ovation.

You're gonna love this.