Julien Losa - Black Cat - First life


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After years working on The Jinx, Julien Losa has finally snapped and put together a Jinx-inspired card trick! Worse, it is a series of effects all based on the same core method—easy, yet magician-fooling and audience-pleasing!

In this release, you will find:

Just Go Now… You go out of the room, they pick any card and bury it in the deck, yet you come back and can produce it however you want! This is Julien’s favorite way to locate a card and it is so much easier than you think!
You, Too, Can Be Miraculous! A card set aside at the beginning of the trick is inserted into the deck by the spectator and tells you exactly where to find their unknown selection!
Miracle S’Pellet What about an ACAAN with a freely picked number and a freely picked card ending up at… well, you know the trick. This is it, and it is practical without sacrificing the effect to any necessary process.
All of the effects presented in this release can be done fully impromptu with a borrowed deck and are in Julien’s current repertoire (he uses his own meticulously prepared deck because no one carries cards these days… but you do you!). These are the things he does when he wants to pull off something really impossible with a deck of cards.