The Show Doctor is the first full-length book of magic from Jeff McBride, one of the great magicians of our time.
This new hardcover book includes:
** 11 previously unpublished routines by Jeff, including stage illusions, stand-up routines, manipulation, close-up magic, cards, and mentalism.
** Revised versions of Jeff's celebrated advice column from MAGIC Magazine (2007-2010).
** Over 45,000 new, additional words beyond the original columns, including many interviews and additional writings.
Please note: Purchasers of the printed book will have full access to all the embedded materials created for the digital version of The Show Doctor (developed in partnership with MAGIC Magazine). This is over 30 minutes of new video content, plus pop-up materials and essays.
Title: The Show Doctor by Jeff McBride, with Additional Material by Lawrence Hass, Ph.D.
Illustrations: Earle Oakes, Craig Conley, and George Parker
Cover: Duncan Eagleson
Details specific to the print version published by Theory and Art of Magic Press:
Book size: 7.25” x 10.375,” 296 pages
Available from Theory and Art of Magic Press and leading dealers everywhere.
(Dealers contact Murphy’s Magic Supplies.)
Details specific to interactive digital version designed for the tablet by [url=]MAGIC Magazine[/url], cost $24.99:
Eric Eswin, Honorary President of FISM: "I bought The Show Doctor a while ago and have just started reading it. M-A-R-V-E-L-O-U-S! Congratulations! It should be mandatory reading for magicians before they do any public performance."
Bob Fitch: "Have you ever felt that rush of. . .excitement when you figured out how a trick was done or when something that has eluded you for a long time, suddenly, in a moment, became absolutely clear The light bulb effect! Of course you have. Well, you'll get that effect many times when you look through the pages of this now-classic tome. Don't put it on your shelf, put it IN your hands."
Lance Burton: "If you only read one magic book this year, make it The Show Doctor."
Mac King: "I truly believe that Jeff McBride is the best guide to improving your magic show in the world today."
Kevin James: "Jeff's book is pure gold. If you are looking for inspiration on how to be more creative and a better performer, look no further."
Ken Weber (author of Maximum Entertainment): "Some magicians have asked me if I was going to write a sequel to my one and only book. In many ways I truly feel that sequel is what you are holding in your hands right now."
Eugene Burger: "In the twenty years I have worked closely with Jeff McBride, I have seen him inspire and transform the performances of countless magicians. He is a master teacher of magic."
Max Maven: "A couple of thousand years ago, the Roman philosopher Seneca said, 'People pay the doctor for his trouble; for his kindness they still remain in his debt.' Which is why we all owe a debt to the Show Doctor. You can start to repay that by buying this book. It will make your magic more healthy."
"★★★★★. Jeff McBride’s excellent “The Show Doctor” is almost required reading for anyone who wants to entertain with magic." A Top Ten Magic Product of 2012 — Wayne Kawamoto, (Magic and Illusion)
"Highly Recommended" — Fred Rosenbaum, The Linking Ring, November 2012
“Jeff McBride is unquestionably one of this era’s most influential magicians. His new book, The Show Doctor, may become one of the most influential books as well, both because of the content and the format. . . . It is as helpful and useful as Ken Weber’s Maximum Entertainment, which set the standard for show improvement lessons.” — Jim Kleefeld, M-U-Mmagazine, October 2012
“It’s a rare thing for a seasoned professional magician to release a book full of such great advice. And that’s why I thinkThe Show Doctor will become an instant classic.” — Farrell Dillon, MAGIC Magazine, October 2012
“If you already have 50 books on tricks, you can afford to read [this one] to get the most out of them. As prevention is better than cure, a visit to The Show Doctor may prevent an uncomfortable post mortem later.” — David Britland,Genii, The Conjuror’s Magazine, October 2012
“There is so much great advice and material in this book. . . . Jeff McBride [diagnoses] 45 (or so) of the most common ailments in magic (in performance, business, pre-show, everything) and gives you a prescription to cure them. . . . If you don't learn something or get inspired from something in this book, you're just not trying. . . . So in a nutshell, a book full of tons of killer advice along with 11 excellent tricks/effects. Final Verdict: Five Stars. . . .” — Jeff Stone, Stone Cold Magic Magazine (online), July 2012
“You can now buy magic books for your iPad on iTunes. At least one, The Show Doctor by Jeff McBride. . . . Thanks to some amazing formatting by Stan Allen and extensive new material from Jeff and Larry Hass, the compilation of the articles is now better than ever. The basic look and feel of the book is similar to the gold standard used for the digital edition ofMAGIC. . .and the team has added extensive new content (tricks and advice) and enhanced it with slide shows and video. [This is] an important new paradigm shift in digital magic books." — Steve Bryant, Little Egypt Magic (online), July 2012
“The Show Doctor, by Jeff McBride and Lawrence Hass, is the best single resource for improving your magic act that I've ever seen. It has all of the great wisdom contained in Jeff's Magic Magazine columns plus illustrations, video, and over 45,000 words of additional material. It's also one of the best uses of the iPad as a teaching tool that I've ever seen. It's beautifully designed, and the multimedia features are seamlessly integrated. . . . And if you don't have an iPad, plunk down the extra cash, kill a few trees, and get the print edition. The material contained in The Show Doctor has the potential to expand your horizons and improve your magic. Take a sabbatical from the Internet, turn off your TV, and be prepared to become the outstanding magician that you always wanted to be. This one gets my highest recommendation.” — Barry Fernelius, The Magic Cafe, June 24
“Once opened, I read from the first to the last page before I closed this book again. Wow, these pages contain an overwhelming amount of practical knowledge, wisdom, and clever tricks. . . . The hardcover book is very well produced, with high quality paper and witty drawings at the beginning of each chapter by Craig Conley and most illustrations with the tricks are by the late master illustrator Earle Oakes. If you want to go digital, there’s an IPad version of the book as well available. . . . In short, this is one of the most practical books available to improving your magic, learn some of the most powerful tricks of the trade and learn some new strong magic tricks. This book is highly recommended.” — Arjan Van Vembde, The Magic Café, July 30, 2012
“[The Show Doctor] is a gorgeous work; I've been at it all afternoon. And I had read the genesis of it before. Jeff's advice is some of the best, most specific, dead on I have read. The video additions are excellent as have been the new tricks I have read so far. But beyond the great content of this first effort, the format is awesome.” — Steve Bryant, the Genii Forum, June 23
"Wow. Yesterday there was a paradigm shift in magic literature. Did you feel it It's a whole new world. I've seen some nice looking .pdf magic books on my iPad, but this new format shoots past them. . . . Plus, Stan and company couldn't have started with better content. Jeff is the best teacher in magic backed by superstar credentials. I eagerly read much of this when it came out as a column and am thrilled with the new additions." — Posted at the App Store, June 24
“This will be my permanent go-to book, it’s just what the doctor ordered!” — Posted at the App Store, June 23