Howard P. Albright - Astrologia One-Man Act


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Details: ASTROLOGIA is a sensational one-man mentalism act especially designed for more intimate settings, such as clubs, private parties, smaller business groups, etc. Albright shows you how to give up to 30 "personalized" psychological readings with ease using his special "prompter" method (with examples), as well as reveal written thoughts. Slightly different than the standard Q&A approach you're used to, but just as impressive and much easier to perform. Every aspect of the act is covered in detail - from what to say and to how to say it, down to the underlying methodology (based on one simple move) and subtleties. Plus, Albright even gives you seven proven information-gathering methods for close-up work you can use for this act as well as private readings. Don't miss this one! The information contained in this publication is priceless to any mentalist or magician. 20 pages, re-typeset.Please Choose: Download Refund PolicyYes,I understand that this product is not eligible for a refund.