Harry Lorayne - Best Of Friends Vol. 3


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Harry Lorayne - Best Of Friends Vol. 3
20 Years in the making now yields volume 3 of Harry Lorayne'sBest of Friends.

Some of the contributors in this volume are: Allan Ackerman, Richard Vollmer, Max Maven, J.K. Hartman, Peter Duffie, Michael Ammar, David Regal, Martin Nash, Joshua Jay, Howie Scharzman, Bob Farmer, Simon Lovell, Aldo Colombini, Doug Edwards, Jeff Altman, Nick Pudar, Sol Stone, Paul Gordon, Kostya Kimlat, Gregory Wilson, Ian Baxter, Bob King, Joe Rindfleisch, Justin Higham, Michael Vincent, Steve Cohen, Tony Noice, Tom Craven, Randy Wakeman, Harry Lorayne...and more!