Here are the proven venues that earn top dollar with simple shows. Places that have been closely guarded by the few performers in the know. Each chapter is worth $100 if sold separately!
Docc Hilford has made a living as a full time pro in these venues for years. Now so can you!
Earn $1000 to $2500 each show!
- 6 Unworked Secret Venues
- Over 90 pages
- Designed for mentalists & magicians
- 6 Complete acts
- Sales letters & phone scripts tells who to see & how to sell them
- Many tricks fully explained
Here is what performers are saying about Secret Venues:
“I bought the book and immediately booked two shows!”
“My wife and I are now being paid to vacation in our favorite hide-away.”
“I made $2,000 the very first show I did. Thanks!”