David Roth's Expert Coin Magic Made Easy Vol 1-3


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Personalized and detailed instruction from the greatest coin manipulator in the entire world! Here is everything you need to know to start on the wonderful road of coin magic! Volume 1 gives you a solid working knowledge of the basics of sleight of hand with coins and then, David teaches you some of the greatest classics of coin magic ever created! You'll be performing expert coin magic in no time!
The Classic Palm
The Thumb Palm
Finger Palm Vanish
Palm Finesses
Fingertip Rest Position
The Shuttle Pass
Coin Switches
Winged Silver
Coin Change
French Drop & Variations
Ramsay Subtlety
Kaps Subtlety
Benzais Friction Palm
The Finger Palm
Classic Palm Vanish
Thumb Palm Vanish
Palm Transfers
The Utility Switch
Loads & Productions
Vanish & Reproduction
Copper & Silver
The Vernon Load
L'Masque Load
Power of the Magic Wand
The Bobo Switch
Volume 2 - Basic to Intermediate Coin Magic

Now that you know the basics of Expert Coin Magic, Volume 2 furthers your schooling with intermediate sleights, moves, tips, subtleties, finesses and more classics of coin magic! David strives to impart all of his knowledge with each and every item, giving you the special tips and insights that took him decades to learn and devise. After studying this volume, you'll be ready to learn more advanced techniques.
The Retention Pass
The Curl Palm
Multiple Coin Production
Coins To Cup
Coins Through the Table
The Click Pass
Hanging Coins
Wild Coin
Coin Through Hand
One-Handed Spellbound Change
Volume 3 - Intermediate to Advanced Coin Magic

After mastering the material David teaches you on Volumes 1 and 2, you will truly be able to call yourself a "coin man." You'll also be ready to learn still more advanced sleights and routines, including effects devised by some of the top coin magicians in the world. Together, all three volumes of Expert Coin Magic . . . Made Easy! form a lifetime of valuable reference material to be cherished always.
The Cardini Steal
Advanced Copper Silver
Tenkai Pennies
The Magical Filtration
Advanced Copper & Silver
Advanced Coins Through the Table
David Roth's Purse & Glass
Metamorphosis Change
Milliken's Transposition
Silver/Copper Extraction
One-Coin Routine
TV Surprise
Total Running Time Approximately 3hrs 24min