Bond Lee
A renowned magician and gifted manipulator of Hong Kong, an active contestant of international conventions. He is one of the finest Hong Kong graduates of the Chavez Studio of Magic (USA).
Ian Tsang
A talented underground ball manipulator. Skillful, original yet innovative. He is sharing some of his works in this DVD which are never published before.
Bojan Barisic
Extremely experienced in manipulative magic. A creator, designer, researcher, and advisor. His research on ball sleights for this DVD is remarkable.
This DVD includes some of the most visual effects which can be done by billiard balls. Tutorials were shot from various angles to provide highly detailed explanations.
- Applications of double/triple shell
- Visual productions of eight balls finale
- Hand-washing
- Visual color change
- Ball rolls and juggling
- Routines
- An extremely visual vanish of a pocket watch
- Tips and theories
- Discussion of ball types
"It's not about speed and fancy moves...such pureness and witchcraft, defines what magic is all about." - Kai-Lun Hu
And finally: be magical, be inspired, always!