BELOW by Les French Twins (Instruction Video Only)


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People have been begging for Below ever since they saw David Blaine perform it on national television. Now you can own something he performs. Perfect for street, close-up gigs, stage & even TV.

It Changes With No Moves

The double lift color change is one of the most powerful magic tricks ever. With Below you can supercharge it into the stratosphere – because now they see above and below the card as it changes with no moves.


Below allows you to fully customize the reveal. Meaning you can use it for appearances, vanishes, color changes & transpositions. You can pre-load below with any card you want to use and because the cards are normal, you end 100% clean.


One big concern for all magic apps is being forced to have a 'connection'. Either on WiFi or 5G. Below doesn't need this at all. You set it up with the card you want – and then you can perform it with or without internet. So, once initially set-up, you could be in a basement, vault or on the moon – and Below will always work.

Excuse My French

"Putain impossible" Don't google what that means… It roughly translates to 'absolutely impossible' – which perfectly describes what we said when Les French Twins showed us this trick. These guys are tech geniuses who keep pushing the boundaries of magic with innovative, but effective methods. If you've never owned a magic app before, make BELOW your first. It's easier than you think.