You'll Change Your Perception About the Power of Your Own Mental & Problem Solving Abilities
I Read Minds, And So Do You! also contains dozens of helpful illustrations throughout each informative chapter. Allowing you the ability to exercise and build your own memory skills as you read along and learn.
Attention Speakers and Presenters: Contains Real-Life Stories and Exercises to Include in Your Next Talk or Presentation.
Every Presenter delivering mental demonstrations is certain to learn new material to support the patter for your talks or presentations. This book is loaded with the stories, concepts, thoughts, language and exercises that I've presented to my audiences for over the past thirty years.
Each instructive chapter thoroughly explores a different method of perfecting your memory and mind reading skills:
Chapter One: Why Read Minds :
You'll learn why I'm convinced EVERYONE is already reading minds as well as how memory can act as a catalyst for enhancing your own mental ability. This Chapter includes;
Chapter Two: Mind to Mind - It's All About Communication:
Chapter Two describes the many facets of the entire communication process. This includes the elements that influence your ability to communicate with other people and comprehend what they are communicating to you. This chapter covers;
Chapter Three: The "I/You" Concept - Beyond My Self-Talk:
Covers the "I/You" concept which I've been working with for over 25 years. A completely different way to look at yourself and your relationships with people as well as the world around you. Notice the impact each of the following messages has on your mind as you read them as "I" statements. This Chapter sets the stage for your total absorption of the positive messages you'll learn throughout the book, including;
Chapter Four: My Brain - The Nuts and Bolts of My Memory:
Chapter Four reviews the important physical mechanics of memory including the care and "feeding" of your brain. This Chapter explores how your brain cells provide you with tremendous learning and memory capacity. Including;
Chapter Five: NLP - A Window to My Thinking:
Chapter Five takes you on a brief tour of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, more commonly known as NLP. Discover the associations between thinking, language and behavior. By using some simple techniques you'll be able to use NLP to read minds, beginning with your own.
Chapter Six: I Do What I Believe I Can Do:
Chapter Six reveals the power of beliefs. You'll learn how your individual beliefs are connected to your perception of the world around you and how you communicate with yourself.
Chapter Seven: Perception - I See What I Think I See:
Chapter Seven describes how your beliefs are connected to how you perceive the world. How you perceive the world is critical to how you decide to move about within it. This chapter covers;
Chapter Eight: Listening - I Hear What I Want to Hear:
Chapter Eight covers another form of perception - listening. It's impossible to remember something if you don't know how to listen. This chapter explores several simple (yet highly effective) examples designed to improve your ability to listen.
Chapter Nine: Intuition - My Other Sense:
Chapter Nine covers another important form of perception - intuition. Intuition helps you make sense of all information you absorb everyday through all of your other perceptions. At any given moment, you see, hear, feel, taste and smell much more then you realize. By using your intuition you will be able to make quick meaning of it all. This chapter includes;
Chapter Ten: Creativity - Expanding My Mind:
Chapter 10 helps you understand how to use the tools discussed in the previous chapters to expand your mind and enhance your creative skills. This chapter explains how your beliefs, assumptions and "framing" of the way you see things influence your ability to create.
Chapter Eleven: A Brief Pause - Recapping the Messages:
Chapter Eleven provides a compelling recap of all of the major components to acquiring the ability to read your own mind, including;
Chapter Twelve: Reading My Own Mind - I Am a Living Example:
Chapter Twelve shares important events which have occurred in my life that clearly illustrate how I learned how to apply all of the principles and concepts covered in the book, including;
Chapter Thirteen: Understanding and Reading Your Own Mind - All It Takes Is Practice:
Chapter Thirteen provides you with some helpful exercises that will enable you to read your own mind. Remember: The more skilled you can become at reading your own mind - the more skilled you can become at reading the minds of others. The chapter covers;
Chapter Fourteen: At Last - Reading Their Minds:
Chapter Fourteen combines the successful techniques you've learned to read your own mind so you can begin reading the minds of others. Including;
Chapter Fifteen: A Work in Progress - I Will or I Will Not:
Chapter Fifteen concludes I Read Minds, And So Do You! with some of my personal thoughts on how each of us are all students and teachers - all of us are "works in progress."