Anthony Black - Randi


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Anthony Black - Randi

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"I like the whole premise of this eBook from Anthony...The effects are nice and the routine is great."

- Dr Todd Landman

From the introduction...

“It’s fake, otherwise you would just do the Randi challenge!”

How many time have you heard that, or something similar
Quite a few I would imagine.

What follows is my rebuttal to such accusations.

Please be aware this is pure fiction and for entertainment purposes only*, I’m sure none of this is actually true and my sources are just figments of my own rather odd imagination.

It began with a question, like all good mysteries do…

That question was: What if someone did pass the Randi challenge

No, even that’s not right…

“What if they already have passed But nobody has told us…”

That was the question! And over the next few pages I will give you the answer.

Combining the answers I discovered with a three phase performance piece and with a backstory which is exciting enough to make even the most jaded conspiracy theorist stick on his tin-foil hat and do a little jig of pure delight.

This is aimed at those mystery performers with a few years under their belts; not beginners.

Join me,

-         Anthony Black, January 2014, Albion.

*Don’t sue me Mr Randi, I’m a struggling artist!

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