25 One Man Mind Reading Secrets


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25 ONE MAN MIND READING SECRETS UPDATE: Two secrets added and sent to buyers as of January 27th, 2024

"In offering the following methods, please understand the method you least expect to be good is sometimes the one that will fool your audience the most. Dunninger has proven that a simple idea with a little showmanship outclasses complicated methods. With the following ideas to work on, you should have no trouble finding at least one idea that you can use to mystify your friends or to use in your act. I have given you impromptu stunts, card tricks, mind-reading methods, complete act items, and publicity items. I have not given these effects any buildup, just the raw material in a short, snappy manner that gives you the method. From there on, it is up to you. If you cannot originate your presentation or patter, chances are against you as a successful mind reader." - U.F. Grant

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