101 Riddles, How To Write Them & Use Them In Your Show


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101 Riddles, How To Write Them & Use Them In Your Show

 (Instant Download) Four amazing features that entertain while boosting your magic career!

1. The book contains 101 incredible riddles (plus a bonus riddle), include countless never seen before original riddles, along with improved versions of some older ones.

2. Next, you will learn the 21 rules of writing your own riddles! Whether you want to write them for your audience, as a hobby, or even write your own book of riddles, I highly recommend these tips!

3. My thoughts and ideas on how to incorporate riddles into your show. Whether you perform table hopping, children parties, busking, stage or anything else, you can probably start adding riddles to your show and give yourself a unique selling position which will make you stand out from your competition!

4. Finally, by purchasing this book, you receive a license to print unlimited copies of all 101 riddles and give them away, or even sell them! They have been carefully laid out at the end so you can print them all using just two pages (answers provided at 101Riddles.com )! Include your business details, so you clients will always know who to call if they need entertainment, and provide your audience with a memorable souvenir they will keep talking about, while making a nice profit after every show!